SBS news in Ukrainian – 04/11/2022

SBS Ukrainian

SBS Ukrainian, 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302, every Thursday Source: SBS

Latest news from Australia and the world.

In this bulletin:
  • The opposition accuses Labor of playing politics with the repatriation of women and children from Syria
  • A man arrested over the shooting of Imran Khan in Pakistan
  • Stressed locals in the central west New South Wales town of Forbes are bracing themselves for what is expected to be the worst flooding in 70 years
  • The United Nations nuclear watchdog says it has found no sign of undeclared nuclear activity in Ukraine
  • NATO has renewed its pleas to Turkey to set aside its reservations over Finland and Sweden's membership applications and support their ascension

Tune in for Thursdays at 3 pm 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302.

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