SBS News in Ukrainian - 1/10/2022

SBS Ukrainian

SBS Ukrainian, 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302, every Thursday Source: SBS

Vladimir Putin's declaration to annex four regions in Ukraine has been condemned as a fantasy that has no legal effect. US President Joe Biden says Congress has approved legislation for further funding in military aid for Ukraine. The funding amounts to 19.2 billion dollars. Health advocates are warning the decision to scrap mandatory isolation periods for people infected with COVID-19 risks putting more strain on the hospital system if more highly transmissible variants emerge.

Key Points
  • Western nations warn of further consequences, after Vladimir Putin's annexes four occupied regions of Ukraine...
  • Health advocates urge more resources for the public hospital system, as COVID-19 measures are further wound back...
  • A celebration of Aboriginal rugby league talent at the Koori Knockout.
  • Frustration over longer visa wait times for permanent residency in Australia ...
Vladimir Putin's declaration to annex four regions in Ukraine has been condemned as a fantasy that has no legal effect.
In a 37-minute rambling speech, he claimed as Russian territory the four areas of Ukraine which held Kremlin-organised referendums: Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk.
The move was swiftly condemned by countries who spoke during a vote on a UN Security Council resolution brought on by the United States.
The resolution urged all countries not to recognise any "purported annexation" of the territory by Moscow.
Of 15 members of the Security Council the vote result was 10-1, with China, India, Brazil and Gabon abstaining.
Russia used its veto power to condemn the motion.

Temporary visa holders have protested across the country over longer wait times for permanent residency.
The processing time for the skilled regional visa is 24 months according to the Department of Home Affairs website, and that it's assessing applications made before 2020.
Hundreds of migrants gathered at rallies in Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide on Friday, demanding that the government prioritise their visa applications.
The number of migrants stuck on bridging visas has increased sixfold, according to a new report from The Migrant Workers Centre.

From October 14, those who test positive for the coronavirus will no longer be required to isolate themselves at home for five days.
Pandemic leave payments will also end at that date - but will remain for workers in hospitals and aged care.
