SBS News in Ukrainian – 11/09/2022

SBS Ukrainian

SBS Ukrainian, 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302, every Thursday Source: SBS

Latest news from Australia and the world.

In this bulletin:
Russia has effectively acknowledged that a section of its frontline had crumbled southeast of Ukraine's second-largest city
King Charles the Third formally proclaimed Britain's head of state at a historic London ceremony
NSW has announced free public transport all day so people can attend the historic event outside the state's parliament house from 12.30pm
The death of the Queen at 96 has sparked renewed debate about the prospect of Australia becoming a republic
Big results in both week one of the National Rugby League finals, and week two of the AFL finals series

Tune in for Thursdays at 3 pm 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302.

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