Survey surprise - some are happier after COVID than before

Image of young Asian couple meditating together on the grass

Image of young Asian couple meditating together on the grass Source: iStockphoto / SunnyVMD/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Medical experts are telling us how badly the Coronavirus pandemic affected our mental health. And for many - who became ill themselves, who lost a loved one, or who are now financially worse off - that is true. But a new survey reveals that one in three feel better now, than they did before the pandemic.

Britain's BBC commissioned a global poll to find out the profound and diverse effect that the pandemic had on mental health.
The World Health organisation says it confirmed their own findings, with a third of people polled in 30 countries reported bereavement, illness or financial problems.

But a third of those polled said they experienced an improvement in their sense of wellbeing and in Vietnam, a majority of people said they feel better now than before the pandemic.
Young people aged 18-24 were much more likely to say the pandemic had a major effect on their mental health - either positive or negative.
Older people were more likely to say it had no effect at all.
