SBS Українською: Австралія, Україна і світ


Election 2022 in Victoria, 26/11/2022. A combined image shows Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (left) during a press conference in Melbourne and Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy (right) during a press conference in Melbourne. AAP Image/Diego Fedele. Source: AAP / DIEGO FEDELE/AAPIMAGE

Кілька штрихів до подій в Австралії, Україні та світі. I про те, як і чим живуть українці та їх нащадки на 5-му континенті планети... Дізнавайтеся більше:

Ms Maru Jarockyj, Ukrainian Women's Association in Victoria.
Ms Maru Jarockyj, Ukrainian Women's Association in Victoria Source: SBS / SBS Ukrainian
Ukrainians in Perth, WA. Credit: Bohdan Warhomij.

The NSW Government has provided $500,000 to the Ukrainian community of New South Wales to support those who have sought refuge here from the ongoing war. Minister for Multiculturalism Mark Coure MP, Co-Chair of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations Kateryna Argyrou and Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko. Credit: Elena Levkovskaya Photography.
