Сідней-2023: травневий кінофестиваль українських фільмів

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Producer and a documentary filmmaker Kateryna Kyrychenko in Sydney.

Незабаром в Сіднеї відбудеться фестиваль українського кіно - з 26 по 28 травня в кінотеатрі Dendy у Сіднеї будуть показані пʼять фільмів. Про це розповідає одна з організаторів фестивалю, режисер-документаліст Катерина Кириченко.

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Ukrainian Film Festival in Sydney 2023. Еxperience the best of Ukrainian cinema from May 26th-28th at Dendy Cinema Newtown. Enjoy smart comedies, historical dramas, premieres, biographies, romance, and more. Immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Ukrainian cinema with a wide selection of films from different genres. Credit: Ukrainian Film Festival
Еxperience the best of Ukrainian cinema from May 26th-28th at Dendy Cinema Newtown. Enjoy smart comedies, historical dramas, premieres, biographies, romance, and more. Immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Ukrainian cinema with a wide selection of films from different genres.

Don't miss the first screening of the thought-provoking documentary Mariupol. Unlost Hope on 26th May. The film uses audio recordings of eyewitness testimony from two men and three women who were living in Mariupol when the Russian invasion began on February 24, 2022.

"Carols of the Bells" is a poignant movie featured in the 2023 program. It follows the peaceful coexistence of three families - Polish, Ukrainian, and Jewish - whose lives are shattered by Nazi and Soviet occupations of Ukraine. The film explores themes of sacrifice, loss, and hope while highlighting the healing power of love and music.

Tragicomedy I work at the Cemetery, The Guide, Ballroom King are among the festival movies you have a chance to watch.

Discover the full program of the Ukrainian Film Festival at and keep yourself informed about the latest Festival news.
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Ukrainian Film Festival for an exciting celebration of Ukrainian culture, featuring some of the finest films from the country's thriving film industry. The program will showcase a total of five movies, including Mariupol. Unlost Hope, The Guide, I Work at the Cemetery, Carol of the Bells, and Ballroom King. Don't miss the first screening of the thought-provoking documentary 'Mariupol. Unlost Hope', scheduled to take place at Dendy Cinema in Sydney.
