WOMADelaide 2024: український квартет зачарував австралійців

WOMADelaide 2024 - DakhaBrakha, a quartet from Ukraine, with vocalist and instrumentalists Marko Halanevych, Nina Garenetska, Iryna Kovalenko and Olena Tsybulska..jpg

В Аделаїді відбувся великий міжнародний фестиваль WOMADelaide 2024. І знову серед учасників-виконавців музичних і пісенних творів був славний український колектив Dakha Brakha - Marko Halanevych, Nina Garenetska, Iryna Kovalenko and Olena Tsybulska. Про цю подію і розповідає Рома Бекер. І не тільки про це йде мова...

Womadelaide2024 - DakhaBrakha 1.jpg
WOMADelaide 2024 - DakhaBrakha, a quartet from Ukraine, with vocalist / instrumentalists Marko Halanevych, Nina Garenetska, Iryna Kovalenko and Olena Tsybulska.
Dakha Brakha, a quartet from Ukraine, with vocalist/instrumentalists Marko Halanevych, Nina Garenetska, Iryna Kovalenko and Olena Tsybulska was one of the absolute highlights of WOMADelaide 2024, with incredibly powerful and explosive sets on the Foundation Stage and Stage 2. These shows were performed during 40-degree heatwave days but the 5 thousand plus crowds swirled, swayed and danced to their driving rhythms and beats. A DakhaBrakha performance is more than just the rhythms - they have the ability to combine theatrics with ornately designed costumes and very high fur hats, challenging and unsettling projections, and tight musical arrangements and harmonies.
