In NSW alone, more than $10 billion worth of edible food is thrown away each year. So for the average household, they are throwing away roughly $73 a week or $3,805 over a year on wasted food. Marium Khan of Ethnic Communities Council of NSW says that People don’t intentionally waste food, but it happens all the time when we don’t recognize our behaviours. Often, people buy more food than is needed, cook portions that are too big to finish, store food incorrectly in the kitchen, or throw away leftovers because they’ve been forgotten about them.
Ethnic communities council nsw is running LOVE FOOD HATE WASTE campaign and Marium Khan of the council NSW recommends the following steps to avoid food waste:
Step 1 - Know your waste
Step 2 - Plan your meals
Step 3 - Shop with a list
Step 4 - Perfect portions
Step 5 - Keep it fresh
Step 6 - Love your leftovers-You might not realize you can transform leftovers to a yummy food
[Click below to listen full Urdu talk about Love Food Hate Waste campaign]
More information can be found on following web pages:
(Australian Government department of environment and energy)

Source: ECCNSW
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