Vượt qua bài kiểm tra quốc tịch Úc là một trong những cột mốc quan trọng nhất trong hành trình di dân và bạn phải làm bài kiểm tra bằng tiếng Anh. Hãy tham gia cùng Luke và Angeline khi họ giải thích những từ ngữ quan trọng và những ý tưởng bạn cần biết để vượt qua bài kiểm tra này.
Tập này tập trung vào Phần 2 trong cuốn sách nhỏ , Niềm tin dân chủ, tôn trọng các quyền và tự do của người dân Úc.
(Lưu ý: Đây không phải là lời thoại theo sát từng chữ)
I'm Angeline, my head is buzzing with questions about the Australian citizenship test, and this is part two: Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties.
My name is Luke. And I'll help you understand phrases like parliamentary democracy, the 'rule of law', a 'fair go', freedom of speech and ...
...much more. You know, even if you are an expert English speaker you might not know some of these phrases! So let's go through them together.
A core value is a value that is of central importance to Australians. Democratic beliefs, rights and liberties are core values.
One core value is freedom of speech. So, in the test, you could be asked to choose an example of freedom of speech.
First, what is Freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech means that people have the right to say, write, think and discuss their ideas with others whatever they are.
Examples include peaceful protests against the government or any person or organisation we disagree with.
There’s also freedom of association and freedom of religion. That's something you could be asked about, too.
Secular means not connected with any religion.
Is the government of Australia secular?
Yes, because the government operates separately from churches and all other religious organisations.
To discriminate against someone means to treat them in a way that is different and not right or fair.
So, for example, it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their gender.
Yes. There are laws to make sure a person is not treated differently because of their age, gender, race, religion or disability.
Having equality or being equal means being treated like everybody else, that is, being equal in status, rights, or opportunities.
For example, gender equality in the law means that men and women have the same rights.
What is a 'fair go'?
Equal opportunity in Australia is often called a 'fair go'.
When we give someone a 'fair go' it means that we allow them the same opportunity to work hard, show their talent and be as successful as anyone else.
What is Australia's system of government called?
Australia’s system of government is called a parliamentary democracy. This means the power of government comes from us, the citizens, because we vote for who will represent us in parliament.
Can I swipe for a bit?
People who represent us in parliament are called representatives.
So who must the representatives in parliament answer to?
They must answer to us, the Australian people.
This is another democratic belief we have in Australia. You could be asked...
How about you show us what's written?
I was about to. So, what is the 'rule of law'?
The rule of law means that everybody is equal under the law.
Even the Prime Minister.
I'm sure I have more words on that tablet.
I don't want it anymore. What are the responsibilities of Australian citizenship?
Your responsibilities are what you should do as a good citizen.
Like, all Australians must vote in federal, state and territory elections, as well as in a referendum. That's our responsibility.
And also, a privilege. A privilege is a special right, an advantage, and a special honour.
What are some of the privileges of Australian citizenship?
You can apply for a job in the Australian Public Service or the Australian Defence Force.
I have a better one. You can apply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia whenever you want, without a visa.
Let’s practise. Who must the representatives in parlament answer to?
- A) other politicians.
- B) other community and religious leaders.
- C) the Australian people.
The answer C is correct. The representatives in parliament must answer to the Australian people.
What does the 'rule of law' mean?
- A) All Australians are equal under the law.
- B) Australia's system of government is a parliamentary democracy.
- C) All Australian citizens must vote for people to represent them in parliament.
The answer A is correct. All Australians are equal under the law, regardless of their position and status.
What do we call the freedom to join or not join a legal organisation?
- A) Freedom of expression
- B) Freedom of association
- C) Freedom of religion
The answer B is correct. Freedom of association is the right to join or not to join any legal organisation.
What does a 'fair go' mean?
- A) What someone achieves in life should be a result of their talents, work and effort
- B) What someone achieves in life should be a result of their wealth and background
- C) Both A and B are correct
The correct answer is A. A 'fair go' is our way of saying that what someone achieves in life should be a result of their talents, work, and effort.
That's Part 2 done, and you've come so far already! So, the next video is really important because you’ll learn the vocabulary you need to understand how Australia is governed.
Here’s one I had to learn: double majority. Do you know what that means? Find out in Part 3…
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