After the Christchurch mosque massacre, NZ begins its gun laws debate

Prime minister Jacinda Ardern vowed to change gun laws in wake of the Christchurch terror attack.

NZ is set o have its own debate on gun laws after the mosque massacre.

NZ is set o have its own debate on gun laws after the mosque massacre. Source: AAP

When Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced plans to ban semi-automatic rifles following Friday’s mass shootings, it seemed to be the bold response that many New Zealanders wanted — until the country’s attorney general backpedaled almost immediately.

, the fight over guns and safety will be a fraught one for politicians in peaceful New Zealand, just as it is in the United States.

But there is a crucial difference between the two countries that is already apparent: While Washington struggles to take action even as such shootings become more routine, New Zealand’s government is immediately diving into a detailed discussion of further legislative checks on guns.

The outright prohibition of semi-automatic weapons proposed by Ms Ardern may no longer be on the near-term table.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meeting Muslim community.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets with members of the Muslim community in the wake of the mass shooting at the two Christchurch mosque. Source: AAP
But she’s made clear that lawmakers will look at a range of options, from gun buybacks to restrictions on magazines for semi-automatic rifles.

On Sunday afternoon PM reiterated "our gun laws need to change", confirming cabinet will meet to discuss gun policy on Monday.

“New Zealand has to have this debate,” Alexander Gillespie, a law professor at the University of Waikato said.

“This is a place where your car has to be registered, your dog has to be registered. But your gun doesn’t.”

The professor has previously predicted that the

New Zealand’s relationship to firearms amounts to a sliding scale of restrictions. Gun owners need a license but the most commonly used guns, like hunting rifles, are never registered and can be easily bought and sold in large quantities.

Handguns and semi-automatic weapons are more closely tracked, requiring a permit for each purchase and a separate license — making it harder but not impossible to amass an arsenal.
Mourners lay flowers on a wall at the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch.
Mourners lay flowers on a wall at the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch. Source: AAP
The mix of freedom and regulation reflects the country’s frontier history, according to experts, who note that New Zealand’s link to weaponry bears a resemblance to the United States, Australia and Canada, but with a few important distinctions.

There is no right to own a gun in NZ, as there is in the United States; rather, it is considered a privilege with responsibility.
The gun culture that has developed tends to be organised, careful and not particularly widespread. Of the 3.9 million New Zealanders of gun-licensing age, 238,000 — 6 per cent — have a firearm license,

In the United States, according to a Pew study from 2017, three out of 10 Americans report owning at least one firearm.
Mourners paying their respects at a makeshift memorial near the Masjid Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Mourners paying their respects at a makeshift memorial near the Masjid Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Source: AAP
New Zealand has also been comfortable with the idea of restricting access to certain weapons for almost as long as the country has existed. In 1845, colonial leaders tried to stop the flow of muskets into tribal areas.

After a mass shooting in 1990, when a man killed 13 people, including two six-year-olds, after a dispute with his neighbour in the seaside town of Aramoana, New Zealand’s Parliament added additional license requirements for semi-automatic weapons and handguns.

“On the whole New Zealand doesn’t prohibit firearms,” Professor Gillespie said.

“New Zealand reacts with regulations.”
After a handful of failures to push through stronger rules over the past decade, he and others said, the question now is how far the government will try to go to further control guns.

Some gun owners argue the laws on the books are enough, and that no amount of additional legislation would have prevented Friday’s massacre.

“First of all, this is insanity,” Mike Loder, a contributor to Kiwi Gun Blog, said.
“We know why he did it. He did it in revenge for a Muslim killing people with a truck. It wasn’t about guns.”

But compared with those in the United States, conversations about guns tend to be calmer and less ideological in New Zealand. Many New Zealanders seem eager to find some middle ground, with the latest round of arguments over the country’s gun laws inevitably being shaped by countervailing forces.
Friends of a missing man Zakaria Bhuiyan hold up photos of him outside a refuge centre in Christchurch.
Friends of a missing man Zakaria Bhuiyan hold up photos of him outside a refuge centre in Christchurch. Source: AAP
On the one hand, with its current gun laws, New Zealand had one of the lowest murder rates in the world, as of a week ago. But the horrific bloodshed at the two mosques has clearly shaken what had been the country’s prevailing sense of safety.

“We’ve lived in a utopia, but the world’s caught up with us,” NZ Police Association head Chris Cahill said.

A shift may already be rippling through the country.

On Sunday morning, Raymond Healey, 49, a member of the Christchurch Pistol Club, arrived at a local shooting range, hoping to get some time firing at targets. He was greeted with a white sign, painted in red capital letters: “range closed.”

Wearing olive green fleece, khaki pants and untied boots, Healey said he wasn’t surprised given news of the shootings. He said the gun backlash was also to be expected.

“I can understand why people would want more restrictions,” he said.

He added that he’d be willing to consider changes.

“There are always improvements that could be made to the law,” he said. “There probably are loopholes.”
American religious leaders hold the names of the shooting victims from the New Zealand Mosque at a vigil in Falls Church, Virginia.
American religious leaders hold the names of the shooting victims from the New Zealand Mosque at a vigil in Falls Church, Virginia. Source: AP
One of the main ones, experts say, involves how easy it is to turn a legal semi-automatic weapon into an illegal killing machine with magazines of ammunition that go beyond what is allowed.

Under New Zealand law, the most common A license allows for the purchase of a semi-automatic rifle with a magazine containing seven bullets. An E license is needed for semi-automatics with larger magazines, and it can only be obtained through a more elaborate process of interviews and references.

But there are no restrictions on the purchase of magazines.

“Anybody can buy them without a license,” Mr Healey said.

“I thought for a long time you shouldn’t be able to do that.”

On Saturday, police said the gunman had modified a “category A firearm,” suggesting he purchased a semi-automatic with the basic license then added magazines with illegal levels of firepower.
Ross Mason, chairman of the National Rifle Association New Zealand, which is not connected to the American NRA, also said the purchase of magazines raised issues.

But he cautioned against a wider ban on semi-automatic rifles in general.

“The reason they became available here is because we were trying to eliminate deer from our forest and bush and other four-legged pests, so there was a lot of shooting of these animals from helicopters,” Mr Mason said.

“You needed to have something to fire shots very quickly.”
New Zealand's prime minister has vowed to tighten gun laws.
New Zealand's prime minister has vowed to tighten gun laws. Source: AAP
Out of concern that gun sales might be significantly restricted, Radio New Zealand reported there was a rush on gun stores this weekend, with people “panic buying” weapons.

Ms Ardern seems to be listening, at least for now, to all sides in the debate. She also seems determined to do what the US Congress has not, which is to act.

“Our gun laws will change — now is the time,” she said Saturday. “People will be seeking change, and I am committed to that.”

By Damien Cave © 2019 The New York Times

7 min read
Published 17 March 2019 3:01pm
Updated 17 March 2019 3:08pm
By Damien Cave
Source: The New York Times

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