Two federal government MPs, Cory Bernardi and George Christensen, will attend a dinner to help an anti-Islam organisation fund a defamation case.
The two Liberal Party politicians will attend the Q Society's function in Melbourne next month, with Senator Bernardi listed to give a speech.
The Q Society describes itself as Australia's 'premier Islam-critical organisation'.
The organisation's website says all proceeds of the dinner will go towards the legal expenses of the Q Society and two individuals in a Supreme Court defamation action initiated by Mohamed El-Mouehly of the Halal Certification Authority.
Mr El-Mouehly launched the legal action last year over two Youtube videos posted by the Society in 2013 and 2014, which have since been hidden from Australian internet users.
The case alleges the videos defamed Mr El-Mouehly by implying he sought to mislead the public and was pushing for sharia law in Australia.
The Q Society's event description for the fundraiser describes the legal contest as a "landmark case with considerable ramifications for freedom of expression".
Tickets to the event cost $150 per head - a price that drew mixed reaction on social media.
"This will be a fantastic event of truth and knowledge," wrote Facebook user Michael Braw. "I hope everyone can attend and help support the cause by making sizeable donations."
"$150 will buy me a stack of kebabs, Halal Snack Packs and some cadbury to finish off," wrote user 'Marky McCool'.
The Melbourne event will be held on February 10, while a similar event in Sydney, featuring guests Angry Anderson and former Liberal MP Ross Cameron, will be held one day earlier.