Checkup medical column for Sept 30

An empty stomach can curb rival feelings of thirst, anxiety or fear, potentially placing hunger at thel peak of the motivation hierarchy, research suggests.

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An empty stomach can overrule and even curb feelings of thirst, anxiety or the fear of predators, say UK and German scientists.

A mouse study pitting the rival behaviours against one another, published in the journal Neuron, suggests hunger may be at the peak of the motivation hierarchy and can also trump any desire to socialise.

Mice that were hungry and thirsty consumed more food at the expense of drinking water, while hunger pangs increased preference to spend time in a chamber with food rather than a chamber with another mouse.

Hungry mice also spent more time in "fear-evoking" locations such as large, open arenas compared to sated or full mice that preferred to stay in "safe" corner zones.

Senior study author Michael Krashes, from the National Institutes of Health, says rather than isolating behaviours for separate studies, the "more complicated, naturalistic setting" shed light on the "big picture" nervous system and how different drive states compete.

"Our continued existence ... has motivated us to pursue an array of behaviours, all governed by our nervous system. Evolutionarily speaking, animals that consistently picked the right motivations over others have survived while other animals have not," Krashes said.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) should be listed as an occupational stress for midwives, Griffith University researchers say.

A study of 707 midwives nationally, published in Women and Birth, found the medical professionals carried a high psychological burden after witnessing birth trauma with almost one in five (17 per cent) meeting the criteria for probable PTSD.

More than two thirds of those interviewed reported witnessing a traumatic birth event, including how the patient was cared for. Almost three quarters of affected midwives recalled feeling a sense of horror over what happened to the woman while 65.3 per cent felt a sense of guilt.

Professor Jenny Gamble, from the university's Menzies Health Institute Queensland, says traumatic birth events include death or injury of a mother or baby, abusive care by family members, or insensitive care.

"Midwives, unfortunately often say that they feel powerless to intervene to change the way care is provided by other healthcare providers, or they may feel pressured to make a decision by another professional," Gamble said.

She said there was a knock-on effect of employee retention within the health profession, and called on related healthcare organisations to support the risks of stress in the birth setting.


Australians who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) are being encouraged to join a pilot study into aquatic therapy.

Patients with the debilitating condition experience severe fatigue and malaise, especially after exertion, and may also have intermittent bouts of swollen lymph nodes, recurring infections, sleep disorders and headaches.

Lead researcher Dr Suzanne Broadbent, from Southern Cross University, says aquatic therapy and hydrotherapy are recommended types of exercise for fibromyalgia, of which up to 75 per cent of CFS/ME patients also suffer.

The study is seeking clients aged 18 to 65 who have been diagnosed by a doctor with CFS, ME, chronic mononucleosis, post viral syndrome (PVS), post viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) or post infectious fatigue syndrome (PIFS).

Dr Broadbent said the study aimed to reduce fatigue, muscle/joint pain and tiredness, and to improve blood pressure, heart rate, strength, flexibility, wellness and the capacity to be active.

She said patients were often limited by their symptoms and prone to lifestyle diseases if they remained inactive, so the challenge was "to find a balance with gentle physical activity and avoiding symptom onset".

4 min read
Published 30 September 2016 10:48am
Source: AAP

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