A frenzied week of federal politics has wrapped up with revelations a third cabinet minister is embroiled in the ongoing dual citizenship saga.
Nationals Deputy Leader Fiona Nash announced she has received advice from the UK Home Office that she may be a British citizen by descent through her Scottish-born father.
"I can advise honourable senators that on the basis of the solicitor-general's advice, the PM has indicated to me that he sees no reason for me to stand aside from my portfolio responsibilities," she told the Senate.
"I will also continue as deputy leader of the National party."
Senator Nash is the sixth MP to be referred to the High Court over dual-citizenship.
Under the constitution, dual citizens are disqualified from sitting in parliament.
But there seems to be confusion over whether British citizenship by descent is granted automatically or must be applied for.
Weary politicians trooped back to their electorates on Thursday evening following a week of extraordinary events.
It was revealed Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is Kiwi and Attorney-General George Brandis received a standing ovation from Labor and the Greens after dressing down One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson for wearing a burqa.
The tempo is expected to ramp up further when parliament returns in a fortnight.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is heading overseas and Mr Joyce will be acting in his role running the country while there are still question marks over his eligibility to be in parliament.