Daniel Andrews says most Victorians are failing to self-isolate when they show coronavirus symptoms

Premier Daniel Andrews said insecure work was partially responsible for the increase in cases, revealing nine in 10 people who tested positive for coronavirus did not self-isolate once they started feeling sick.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. Source: AAP

Victoria has reported a record-breaking 484 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, the highest daily increase recorded in Australia since the beginning of the pandemic. 

A further two people connected to aged care facilities, both men in their 90s, also died of the virus overnight, taking the state's death toll to 44.

The previous national record for daily cases was 469 on the 28 March, which included data from all states and territories. 

Wednesday marks two-weeks since the state introduced Stage 3 'Stay at Home' orders for metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, barring residents from leaving their house other than to exercise, work or study, shop for essential items, or for medical or caregiving reasons.
Premier Daniel Andrews said the case numbers were showing some stability, but added that they were "certainly not seeing numbers come down as we would like them to".

Fifty-three per cent of the 3,810 positive cases recorded between 7 and 21 July did not isolate themselves in the time between undertaking a COVID-19 test and receiving the result, he said. 

"We certainly cannot have one-in-two people who are waiting for a test result simply going about their business as if they didn't have symptoms, as if they weren't waiting for a test result, as if this wasn't a global pandemic," he said.
Of the same group, nine out of 10 did not self-isolate after feeling sick and before undergoing a test.

"They have gone out shopping. They have gone to work. They have been at the height of their infectivity, and they have just continued on as usual," Mr Andrews said.

"Unless we have people who get tested staying at home and isolating until they get their results, then we will not see these numbers come down," he said. "They will continue to go up and up. And a six-week shutdown will not be for six weeks. It will run for much longer than that."

For people who are unable to access sick leave from work, such as casual or freelance workers, and need to quarantine due to a positive test, Mr Andrews encouraged them to access a $1,500 one-off government payment.

"There is a large proportion of these people who are making these choices because, in their judgment, they'll look at their bank balance, they'll look at the fact that if they don't work the shift, they won't get paid for the shift," he added.

Victoria's chief medical officer Brett Sutton said the state was at a "really, really challenging phase" of the pandemic, warning that they could see soon see 500 to 600 cases per day.

"We're in pretty tough times if we're going to turn this around, but we do know what works," he said.

At midnight on Wednesday, mandatory mask orders will come into force, requiring people in Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire to cover their face in public spaces or risk a $200 fine.

Dozens fined for lockdown breaches in one day

Victoria Police have issued 61 fines to people found breaching stage 3 lockdown rules, including someone who travelled more than 100 kilometres to go surfing.

Police conducted almost 5,000 spot checks at homes, businesses and public places across locked-down metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire in the past 24 hours and issued 61 fines.

Fines were issued to a person caught travelling from Strathmore to the Surf Coast for a surfing trip, a group of people "sitting on a park bench drinking alcohol in the Melbourne CBD" and people attending a party in Monash.

Nineteen fines were also issued to drivers at vehicle checkpoints leaving the city.

With AAP

People in Australia must stay at least 1.5 metres away from others. Check your state’s restrictions on gathering limits. If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, stay home and arrange a test by calling your doctor or contact the Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080. News and information is available in 63 languages at

4 min read
Published 22 July 2020 12:45pm
Updated 22 July 2020 3:59pm
By Maani Truu

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