'Go ahead, self harm': NT guard to teen

An NT youth prison guard allegedly told a teenager to "go ahead" and self harm when he threatened to kill himself after a nightmare stint in isolation.

A Northern Territory youth prison guard allegedly told a boy who threatened to take his own life while in isolation to "go ahead" and do it, an inquiry has heard.

The former Don Dale Detention Centre detainee known as BE has told the juvenile justice royal commission he was first kept in solitary confinement for two months when he was about 14.

Now 19 and in an adult prison, he says the filthy cells of the Behavioural Management Unit had no running water, fans or natural light.

"I often wanted to hurt myself and I would bang my head against the wall of the cell," BE wrote in a statement tendered on Monday.

When the teen told one guard he wanted to kill himself, the officer's alleged response was "go ahead then, do it".

BE said he wasn't allowed to talk to his family and he never saw a doctor or counsellor.

"That made me feel like no one cared about me. It made me feel like hurting myself more," he said.

Earlier, a former Don Dale deputy manager said locking misbehaving teenagers in solitary confinement was often a waste of time but denied it was cruel.

James Sizeland was in charge of operations in 2014 and 2015 when boys were regularly locked down for 23 hours a day without knowing when they would get out and with no understanding of what they had done wrong.

"In a number of cases it was actually a waste of time. I wouldn't use the word cruelty," Mr Sizeland said.

"I never agreed that it should have been used as a punishment per se. It really should only be when there's a risk to centre security, to staff or other detainees."

It was under his watch that six teens were tear gassed, spithooded and shackled in 2014 after one inmate known as AD escaped his BMU cell and began trashing an exercise yard.

The youth had been held in isolation for 17 days straight after earlier escaping from the centre.

In the days before the gassing, Mr Sizeland said he'd pushed to have all the youngsters moved but his proposal was refused and AD was returned to solitary confinement following the incident.

While in the BMU, the then 14-year-old would use his cell toilet and was then forced to eat food without washing his hands.

Co-commisisoner Margaret White asked Mr Sizeland why the detainees were denied basic hygiene.

"There isn't a single witness before this commission ... who hasn't said that it was the most disgusting place, and not fit for a human being to be in. It was filthy dirty," she said.

Mr Sizeland agreed the BMU was a "horrible" place but said he couldn't do much as he felt pressured to stop further breakouts.

The barrister for AD, John Lawrence, told Mr Sizeland he should never have been let near any child in detention.

"I finally put to you on behalf of AD directly and his nanna and his aunts and his other family members, that you sir, are a coward and a bully," Mr Lawrence said.

Mr Sizeland said staff were working in tough conditions.

"I'm not happy with a number of things but it was an extremely difficult situation that we were working in," Mr Sizeland replied.

Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

4 min read
Published 27 March 2017 6:10pm
Source: AAP

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