Pauline Hanson has declared Australia is in danger of being swamped by Muslims and is calling for a halt to all immigration.
Echoing her first speech to parliament 20 years ago when as the member for Oxley she made the same warning about Asians, Senator Hanson warned Australia would be living under Sharia law if it didn't act.
Muslim neighbourhoods were suffering from an escalation in crime and decline in social cohesion, she said.
She used her first speech to parliament as a Senator on Wednesday night to call for a ban on Muslim immigration, as well as a halt to all immigration.
"We are in danger of being swamped by Muslims who bear a culture and ideology that is incompatible with our own," she said.
"If we don't make changes now there will be no hope in the future.
"Have no doubt we will be living under Sharia law and treated as second-class citizens with second-class rights if we keep heading down the path with the attitude 'she'll be right mate'."
Greens senators walked out half way through her speech, with Liberal senators yelling "stunt" as the minor party left the chamber.
Senator Hanson offered to personally take to the airport anyone not willing to become Australian and give their undivided loyalty to the nation.
She declared Islam was partly a religion but had a political agenda, saying Muslims were imprisoned at almost three times the average rate and unemployed at two to three times the national average.
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She warned of radicalisation on the streets and slammed political leaders for urging Australians to be tolerant, insisting more Muslims were going to fight with Islamic State than the Australian army.
"How should we tell the difference? There is no sign saying good Muslim or bad Muslim," she said.
"How many lives will be lost or destroyed trying to determine who is good or who is bad?"
She called for a ban on Muslim immigration, the burqa and construction of new mosques or Islamic schools while insisting existing ones be monitored.
All immigration should be halted until Australia cleaned up its own backyard, she said, insisting Australians were suffering from massive migrant intake.
She lashed out at foreign investment and called for a welfare clamp down, proposing women receive taxpayer support for their first child only.
She repeated calls for an overhaul of the Family Court system and said without change, murders would continue "due to sheer frustration".
Greens senators later took to Twitter vowing to call out Senator Hanson's "racism".
Liberal senator Linda Reynolds hit back, tweeting: "we may not all agree with what she says but in Aust she has the right to say it".
Senator Hanson joked about the walk-out in her speech.
"I can feel the Greens cringing - no they've left - at the thought that I could possibly be here for six years."
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