High-profile lawyer Charles Waterstreet's invite to #MeToo Q&A episode sparks outrage

The ABC's Q&A has been criticised for inviting high-profile Sydney barrister Charles Waterstreet to appear on a panel discussing the #MeToo movement.

Lawyer Charles Waterstreet in Sydney, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016.

Lawyer Charles Waterstreet in Sydney, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016. Source: AAP

The ABC's Q&A program has come under fire for inviting high-profile barrister Charles Waterstreet to appear as a panellist on an episode discussing the #MeToo movement.

Mr Waterstreet recently denied he sexually harassed a 21-year-old paralegal at his Sydney chambers following a New Matilda investigation into alleged misconduct.

A tweet of an invitation claimed to be from ABC producers said the panel would include actress Rachel Griffiths, Mr Waterstreet, gender studies professor Catharine Lumby and employment lawyer Josh Bornstein.

It stated another panellist was yet to be confirmed.

The 15 February episode will examine the campaign which started with the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

Australian celebrities Don Burke and Craig McLachlan have also come under fire for alleged misconduct as a result of the campaign. Both have denied the allegations.
The ABC told SBS News the panel for the program was still being confirmed but Mr Waterstreet confirmed his invitation. 

"The #MeToo movement has raised highly sensitive and strongly emotive issues – and an important conversation to have," an ABC spokeswoman told SBS News.

"In its special 15 February episode Q&A will bring together a panel to discuss these issues.

"As always, the panel will represent a variety of perspectives and experiences, exposing Australian citizens to a range of views and ideas they may oppose, as well as those they support."

But the apparent addition of Mr Waterstreet – who claims to be the inspiration for ABC's TV drama Rake – has sparked strong condemnation from critics.

Tasmanian Labor MP Ross Hart slammed it as "demeaning".

"What is Charles Waterstreet adding to the conversation other than shock value for his presence?" Mr Hart tweeted.

"By all means have a challenging debate about difficult issues but this demeans the format."
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Source: Twitter
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Source: Twitter
Cybersafety expert Susan McLean asked "how on earth" Mr Waterstreet was given an invitation to be on the panel while sexual abuse victim Nina Funnell is claimed to have been offered a seat in the audience.

Ms Funnell, who worked on a New Matilda investigation involving allegations against Mr Waterstreet, told The Guardian she should have been invited to be on the panel as a survivor of sexual assault.

"We should giving a platform to victims and survivors and, when the ABC chooses to give that platform to Waterstreet, it sends the message to women in the community that men’s voices are more important," Ms Funnell said.

"The ABC has invited me as a sexual abuse survivor to sit in the audience and not on the panel, reserving the panel position for someone who has been accused of sexual harassment of young women."

Speaking with Fairfax, Mr Waterstreet said: "Why should I be assumed to be a perpetrator? I look forward to speaking on my own behalf."
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Source: Twitter
He felt he had just as much of a right to discuss the #MeToo campaign as anyone else. 

Previously Mr Waterstreet responded to the allegations against him saying they weren't accurately reported. 

Ms Funnell's comments have led to many calling on the ABC to invite her as a guest on the panel instead.

Women Lawyers Association of South Australia president Leah Marrone said she was "appalled and disgusted" with the ABC in response to the tweeted invitation.
Others took to social media to call for a boycott of the episode. Some said they would never watch the program again. 

Mr Waterstreet told Fairfax he had accepted the invitation to appear on Q&A and looked forward to a lively debate. 

ABC is yet to confirm whether the barrister will actually make an appearance on the show. 

SBS has approached Mr Waterstreet for comment. 

4 min read
Published 24 January 2018 8:05pm
By Natasha Christian

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