Hutt River Province 'prince' to abdicate

The 'prince' of a wheat property in WA that claims to have seceded in 1970 will abdicate on February 11, handing sovereignty to his youngest son.

The self-appointed "prince" of Hutt River Province in Western Australia's Mid West region is abdicating due to his declining health at age 91.

The 75 square kilometre principality, a privately-owned wheat property north of Geraldton, claims to have seceded from Australia after a row over low wheat production quotas in 1970.

While it has never been recognised by the government and is subject to state and commonwealth laws, Hutt River Province received an official nod in a letter from Queen Elizabeth II last year on its 46th anniversary.

The tourist attraction has even printed its own postage stamps and currency.

Leonard Casley, who has reigned since foundation, plans to abdicate his sovereignty on February 11.

He'll hand the crown to his youngest son Prince Graeme, whose current titles include Minister of State and Education, and Grand Master of the Order of Wisdom and Learning.

Prince Casley said being the sovereign for more than half of his life had been rewarding at times and difficult at others, and his health had been going downhill for some time.

"I feel that it is time to hand over at a time when I am still around and thus able to offer help and support to my successor as he settles in to the position," he said in a statement.

When asked why the reigning monarch had bucked the royal tradition of passing on power to the eldest offspring, Prince Graeme joked he believed he was his father's favourite - just don't tell the others.

"We have a crown council of three members, so the sovereign puts in a nomination who they believe would be a good candidate," he told ABC radio.

He said his father was suffering shortness of breath from emphysema, but was still energetic most days to welcome visitors and tend his vegetable garden.

The enthronement of Prince Graeme will take place in a chapel named after his mother Princess Shirley, who died in 2013 surrounded by her family, sparking a 12-day period of mourning that ended on her birthday.

The 84-year-old raised seven children, was grandmother to 22 and a great grandmother to more than 30.

Prince Graeme, 60, said he was ready to rule and excited by the prospect of improving relations with the state and commonwealth.

While the wheat quotas issue prompted his father to consider secession, his mind was made up after the Court government introduced the Kewdale Lands Development Act in 1966 under which any land outside the metropolitan area could be resumed without the governor needing to be notified.

"That was the real catalyst and they've never actually challenged (the secession)," Prince Graeme said.

"We have all these other incidental discussions.

"I will be trying to bring about a more harmonious relationship with our closest neighbour Australia and the West Australian government."

The federal government had sought to pursue some $1.5 million in GST, but the province didn't believe it had to pay because it does not charge the tax, he said.

3 min read
Published 1 February 2017 4:40pm
Source: AAP

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