Inquiry into Victoria's botched hotel quarantine program will grill government decision makers

An inquiry into Victoria's botched hotel quarantine program, which sparked the second wave of coronavirus in the state, has begun.

Recently arrived overseas travellers get off their bus and wait to check in at the Crown Promenade Hotel in Melbourne, 29 March, 2020.

Recently arrived overseas travellers get off their bus and wait to check in at the Crown Promenade Hotel in Melbourne, 29 March, 2020. Source: AAP

Hotel operators, private security companies and state government decision-makers will be hauled before Victoria's inquiry into the botched coronavirus quarantine program.

The state government launched the investigation, headed by retired judge Jennifer Coate, after new COVID-19 cases in late May and early June were linked to infection control breaches by security guards at quarantine hotels.

"Information already available to the inquiry suggests the possibility of a link between many of the cases of coronavirus identified in the Victorian community in the past few weeks and persons who were quarantined under the hotel quarantine program," senior assisting counsel Tony Neal QC said in his opening statement on Monday.

"Comments made by the chief health officer to the media have suggested that it may even be that every case of COVID-19 in Victoria in recent weeks could be sourced to the hotel quarantine program."
The decisions and communications between the government, hotel operators and private contractors will be examined and submissions have been ordered from them by the end of July.

That includes the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Department of Treasury and Finance, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria Police, Emergency Management Victoria and Ambulance Victoria.

The two hotels with known large outbreaks, Rydges on Swanston and Stamford Plaza were named, as well as Travelodge Melbourne, Park Royal Hotel Melbourne Airport, Holiday Inn Melbourne and Four Points Sheraton.

Mr Neal also named eight security companies.

"The process of identifying witnesses has already begun and will continue as documents are received and analysed," he said.

The inquiry is still going through all the submissions it has received from those involved in the program, but a link to the state's deadly second wave has already been established.
Employers face significant penalties if they attempt to deter employees from giving evidence to the inquiry.

"I expect no less than full, frank and timely cooperation from all government entities and persons to enable me to do my job for the people of Victoria," Justice Coate said

Management of the hotel quarantine program is now being organised by Corrections Victoria and police.
Public hearings will be held from August 6 and a final report is due on September 25.

Justice Coate said "there are no sides" in an inquiry but expected the cooperation of all parties.

It is not known if Premier Daniel Andrews, Health Minister Jenny Mikakos or Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton will be called to give evidence, but Mr Andrews said neither he nor any government minister had been approached.

"I won't tell a former judge how to do her work. She will call whomever she thinks she needs to call. Anyone who is called should turn up," Mr Andrews told reporters on Monday.

"What has gone on here is completely unacceptable to me - and unacceptable to all of us."

Residents in metropolitan Melbourne are subject to stay-at-home orders and can only leave home for essential work, study, exercise or care responsibilities. People are also advised to wear masks in public.

People in Australia must stay at least 1.5 metres away from others. Check your state’s restrictions on gathering limits.

If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, stay home and arrange a test by calling your doctor or contact the Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.

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4 min read
Published 20 July 2020 5:54am
Updated 20 July 2020 5:49pm
Source: AAP, SBS

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