Barnaby Joyce's scandal appears to have cost the coalition support in the polls, as he refuses to rule out, but doesn't expect, a return to the Nationals leadership.
Mr Joyce played down suggestions new Nationals leader Michael McCormack was keeping the seat warm for him.
"I never rule anything in or anything out, right, because otherwise later in life you look like a hypocrite ... I don't expect to ever return," Mr Joyce said.
An Essential poll published on Tuesday said at least 60 per cent of voters thought Mr Joyce should have resigned as Nationals leader and put the coalition's two-party preferred vote at 47 per cent to Labor's 53 per cent.
He said a sexual harassment allegation - which he denies - was the final straw that led him to resign as Nationals leader on Friday following two weeks of scandal after his affair with a staffer, who is now pregnant, was revealed.
Mr Joyce has been accused by former West Australian Rural Woman of the Year Catherine Marriott of sexual harassment but she says she never intended the allegations to go public after making a formal complaint to the Nationals.
The Nationals are confident no-one from the party leaked Ms Marriott's name, while deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek urged the government to guarantee the Liberal Party wasn't behind the leak.
"This sends the worst possible message to women who have been subjected to sexual harassment," Ms Plibersek told reporters on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull agreed accusers should retain confidentiality but told Ms Plibersek to name names if she had an allegation to make.
"Members of parliament privy to those complaints should not disclose the identity of the complainant," he told parliament.
Nationals whip Michelle Landry denied her party had mishandled the complaint.
"I've spoken to the hierarchy in the party and the leak didn't come from us," she told reporters.
Another Nationals MP Damian Drum was asked if his party had a problem with women, to which he responded: "I hope not, no."
Another poll, published by Reachtel on Sunday, showed the coalition's two-party vote at 46 per cent, down from the Newspoll figure of 48 per cent published just before the Joyce scandal broke.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told the coalition party room on Tuesday there was "plenty of time" to turn the polls around and win the next election, which must be held by mid-May 2019.
She said the government needed to make sure voters understood Labor leader Bill Shorten was unqualified to run the country.
Mr Shorten told his party room the government MPs had spent the last three weeks fighting among themselves.