* An independent external inspector-general of live animal exports to oversee the department in its role as the regulator.
* The department re-establish an animal welfare branch and place animal welfare at the centre of its regulatory activities.
* The department develop a system ensuring any issues and concerns raised by staff members about live exports are addressed in a transparent and timely manner.
* Australian government accredited veterinarians and authorised officers be required to make a declaration each year of any personal conflict of interest.
* A principal regulatory officer role be created within the department to develop a culture of being professional regulators.
* Skills, resources and technology for effective regulation by the department were lacking.
* Concerns the department's dual roles in promoting the trade and policing it could be contradictory, especially after the animal welfare branch was scrapped.
* The department rarely used significant powers to suspend or cancel an export licence and it took whistleblowers to prompt that action earlier in the year.
* A department staff member told the review there was little point in raising concerns, as they would not be well received or fairly considered.
* The department as the regulator has failed to prevent continuing animal welfare incidents.
* Parts of the live animal export industry have failed to adhere to the existing standards and give priority to animal welfare.
(Source: Philip Moss's Review of the Regulatory Capability and Culture of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources in the Regulation of Live Animal Exports)