More than 100 cattle have been put down after they were found in poor condition with limited access to water, and in some cases feed, at a property in Western Australia's Pilbara region.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is working with the property managers to improve the access for cattle and is also investigating compliance issues under the Animal Welfare Act.
It comes after about 150 severely dehydrated cattle had to be euthanased and hundreds more were found already dead at Noonkanbah Station in the Kimberley region last month.
Agriculture and food minister Alannah MacTiernan said it had been a particularly hot and dry season in the state's northwest and warned pastoralists to remain vigilant.
"Clearly cattle cannot be left to just fend for themselves in these conditions - all pastoralists must accept their animal welfare responsibilities," she said on Tuesday.
Opposition spokesman Ian Blayney said there was no excuse for cattle deaths on a well-run station.
"Pastoralists across WA have worked tirelessly to build a professional international reputation based on responsible animal husbandry and a couple of incidents like this can destroy that reputation," he said.
Mr Blayney called on the minister to release the results of the preliminary inquiry into the Noonkanbah deaths.
It is possible charges could be laid over the incident.