Morrison's Liberal launch mostly about him

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has launched the Liberal election campaign with an event mostly designed to let voters know more about him.

Scott Morrison embraces his daughters while his wife Jenny watches.

The Liberal campaign launch was centred on Prime Minister Scott Morrison, with his family. (AAP)

Scott Morrison didn't so much launch the Liberal campaign as launch his own personal mission to tell Australia about him.

The sparse campaign launch was in Melbourne, a troubled city for the Liberals after an internal war between conservative factions.

Just two of Morrison's cabinet ministers featured - Treasurer Josh Frydenberg cracked jokes and Nationals leader Michael McCormack gave a stump speech.

Instead the prime minister featured heavily on his own and with his wife Jenny.

She has featured more and more in the campaign as the coalition bids to show voters the softer, human side of the nation's leader.

The couple talked in a video about how they met, Morrison's"unromantic" marriage proposal, and their 14-year struggle to have children.

The big policy announcement was a plan to underwrite housing deposits so banks can more easily lend 95 per cent mortgages to first home buyers.

But the main thrust of the launch was selling Morrison the dad, the husband, and the leader.

The contrast with Labor's launch was stark.

Labor had arch-enemies Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd walk in together to show the party's unity. There were no former Liberal prime ministers willing to bury the hatchet in Melbourne.

The entire Labor front bench was on stage in Brisbane last Sunday to show off Bill Shorten's united team, but Morrison's team were firmly planted in their front-row seats.

On Mothers' Day, Morrison made special mention of the record seven women in his cabinet to highlight his track record of promoting women.

But the only female MP who spoke was junior minister Sarah Henderson.

Labor had deputy leader Tanya Plibersek and foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong.

In a Morrison-centric launch the Liberals doubled down on what they see as their major advantage over Labor - the battle between the two leaders.

Where Shorten can point to his unified and diverse team, Morrison is hoping voters who dislike the Labor leader will stick with the Liberals instead.

But the launch lived up to its billing as a low-key affair to let voters know who Morrison is.

He'll find out in six days whether they like what they see.

2 min read
Published 12 May 2019 2:06pm
Source: AAP

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