US President Donald Trump has a long history of promoting debunked conspiracy theories.
Here are just a few examples that Mr Trump has shared with the world.
Clintons are killers?
A pedophile financier who hobnobbed with the rich and famous dies in his New York jail cell hours after court documents on his sex-trafficking case are made public: had all the elements of a paperback thriller.
But where senior officials might be expected to show caution, Mr Trump retweeted a video rant by a comedian blaming former president Bill and former Trump election rival Hillary Clinton for Mr Epstein's death on Saturday.
"For some odd reason, people that have information on the Clintons end up dead and they usually die from suicide," the comedian, Terrence K. Williams, says in all seriousness - and with no proof.

US Attorney Geoffrey Berman during a news conference about the arrest of American financier Jeffrey Epstein Source: AAP
Mr Williams has about half a million Twitter followers. Mr Trump? Some 63 million.
Obama an illegal president
A president accusing a former president of murder would be an unimaginable breach of Washington protocol if it came from anyone but Mr Trump.
But he has form.
Mr Trump's spectacular rise from television entertainer and real estate dealer rests in large part on his long-running pursuit of another presidential conspiracy theory: that his predecessor in the White House, Mr Obama, was born in Kenya.
You have to have been born in the United States to seek the presidency, so Mr Trump was really saying that the first black president was illegal.

Barack Obama and Donald Trump meet. Source: AAP
Even Mr Trump finally accepted this is not true. Obama was born in the US state of Hawaii.
Who shot JFK?
Along with the supposedly faked Moon landing, probably the richest of all US conspiracy fields is the assassination in 1963 of John F. Kennedy.
Was the president shot in Dallas by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, as the police and the subsequent 10-month Warren Commission, found?
Or was his murder arranged by the CIA? Or Cuba? Or the KGB? The unproven theories are many.

John F Kennedy making a speech. Source: Getty Images
Mr Trump, when running for the White House in 2016, added an incredible new twist: that none other than the father of one of his main opponents for the Republican nomination had a hand in the killing.
A grainy black and white photograph of Oswald shows an unidentified man in the background and that man, Mr Trump claimed, with zero evidence, was opponent Ted Cruz's father.
"What was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?" Mr Trump asked.

Donald Trump on the campaign trail in 2016. Source: Getty
Mr Trump has since quietly forgotten about this seemingly important question and is a supporter of Mr Cruz, an influential senator.
The case of the dead judge
Also back in 2016, with Mr Trump already frontrunner in the Republican nomination contest, there was the case of Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice who died in his sleep.
Or did he?
The owner of the luxury ranch where Scalia had been on a hunting expedition said the judge was found in the morning, having apparently died peacefully. A pillow was over his head.
Mr Trump and several right-wing media outlets smelled a plot - or at least created one.
"They say they found the pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow," Mr Trump told a conservative radio show.
"Over his head, not his face," the ranch owner had to repeat.

Antonin Scalia in Washington DC. Source: Getty
Maybe the weirdest conspiracy theory community is QAnon, a movement that believes an anonymous government insider, known as Q, is secretly leaking details of an epic battle between Mr Trump and the Deep State seeking his overthrow.
Followers of Q look for coded messages online and in Mr Trump's speeches for signals and supposedly leaked intel.
Yahoo News reported this month that the FBI has identified QAnon among other conspiracy hoaxes as posing a domestic terrorism threat.

A man holds a Q sign at a Trump rally. Source: AP
But if the people of QAnon feel lonely in their paranoid world, they have a surprisingly sympathetic ear in the White House.
Mr Trump has retweeted Q theories on numerous occasions and administration officials have met with open sympathisers. At Trump campaign rallies, Q insignia are increasingly part of the landscape.
Best of all? Some QAnon fans think they know Q's real identity: Donald Trump.