Nats suggest Libs leaked Joyce accuser

Nationals MP Andrew Broad has pointed the finger at the Liberal Party when asked who leaked the details of a woman accusing Barnaby Joyce of sexual assault.

Barnaby Joyce will step down as Nationals leader on Monday.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce has been accused of sexual harassment, an accusation he denies. (AAP)

Nationals MP Andrew Broad has linked the Liberal Party to the leaked details of a woman is accusing Barnaby Joyce of sexual harassment.

The Victorian MP has denied the Nationals were behind the release of the name of Catherine Marriott, a former West Australian Rural Woman of the Year.

"I've made some investigation of my own and I believe the due processes of the National Party have held, have been very thorough and the leaks have not come from the National Party," he told ABC TV on Sunday night.

"I know of a Liberal MP who had access to that letter when we had not seen it."

When asked if he was blaming the Liberals for the leak, Mr Broad said: "I'm just saying that I was aware that a Liberal MP has access to it".

He declined to name the MP in question.

Ms Marriott broke her silence on Saturday and said she never intended the explosive allegations - denied by Mr Joyce - to go public.

She had asked the party to undertake a formal and confidential investigation to ensure there was accountability.

"This complaint was not made solely to address the incident against me - it is about speaking up against inappropriate behaviour by people in powerful positions," she said in a statement.

Acting Nationals leader Bridget McKenzie earlier told the ABC she had been assured the leak did not come from the Nationals camp.

"I have commitments from the federal president and our federal director the National Party did not breach Ms Marriott's request for confidentiality, nor would it, nor should it," the senator said.

"My understanding is through a range of networks that it wasn't unknown who the complainant was."

Mr Joyce said the allegation was "spurious and defamatory", and called for it to be referred to police as he resigned as party leader and deputy prime minister on Friday.

It followed weeks of scandal about his relationship with former staffer Vikki Campion, due to give birth to his baby in April.

When asked about Ms Marriott on Sunday, Ms McKenzie said it was "up to all of us to call out inappropriate behaviour where we see it and when we see it".

But the senator noted the complaint remained an allegation, and that everyone involved should be given due process and natural justice.

Mr Joyce will officially quit as Nationals leader on Monday and go to the backbench.

Veterans Affairs Minister Michael McCormack is expected to replace him.

3 min read
Published 25 February 2018 10:18pm
Source: AAP

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