PM burns up energy keeping above the swamp

Malcolm Turnbull thinks it's wrong to dumb down the debate over climate, energy and power prices, but others see a political opportunity.

Tony Abbott was at his most devastating when he attacked Labor over the "carbon tax".

Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd couldn't muster the arguments to fend off claims of $100 lamb roasts, a hammer-blow to business and household power bills going through the roof.

Abbott's campaign was relentless and highly effective.

The former prime minister is now engaging, not in a battle with Labor, but in an insurrection within the coalition over Malcolm Turnbull's proposed climate policy - a clean energy target.

Despite committing the government in 2015 to reducing emissions to 26-28 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030, Abbott doesn't believe Australia's contribution matters.

"Australia produces about one per cent of the world's total emissions and nothing that we do is going to make any substantial difference," he told Sky News this week.

"So the idea that we should turn our economy upside down, the idea that we should be not just a pain in the pocket for consumers, but de-industrialise into the bargain and not make any difference at all when it comes to allegedly saving the planet is just absurd."

Hence, his campaign for coal.

"We had Snowy 2.0, let's have Hazelwood 2.0 - just get on with it," he said on Sky News this week, referring in the same breath to Turnbull's pet project and a mythical successor to Victoria's now-defunct brown coal power station.

Abbott has his supporters within the coalition - most notably Nationals MPs who are actively campaigning for a new coal-fired power station in north Queensland, part-funded via a loan from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.

Turnbull isn't opposed to such a loan - arguing he is taking a technology-neutral approach to solving the "trilemma" of affordability, reliability and cutting emissions.

And in one sense, one new high-efficiency, low-emission coal-fired power plant - amid thousands of megawatts of renewable energy, hydro and batteries being brought online - is unlikely to seriously undermine Australia's commitment to the Paris climate agreement.

However, it does become a problem if Turnbull accepts Abbott's broader argument that it is "unconscionable" to keep subsidising renewable energy.

Not only would such a move put Australia's international obligations at risk, but would adversely impact on jobs, investment, trade competitiveness and the growing number of households switching on solar power and batteries.

Politically, it would also put marginal seats at risk and undermine Turnbull's credibility, especially with metropolitan and younger voters.

The updating of the electoral roll ahead of the same-sex marriage postal survey saw thousands of young people signing up to vote and becoming politically motivated.

These are the same voters who polls show strongly support climate action and renewable energy, and take a dim view to the government supporting anything to do with coal.

Turnbull is aware of the nuance and pressure of the climate and energy debate and offered a veiled swipe at those, including Abbott, seeking to reduce it to a bare-knuckle brawl.

"It isn't an issue of renewables versus coal," the PM told reporters in Brisbane.

"A lot of people try to dumb this down into something like that. It is a question of all of the above.

"All of these technologies have a role to play, whether it is coal, whether it is gas, whether it is wind, whether it is solar, (and) storage is critically important."

For some in the Liberal Party, Abbott's interventions have gone beyond mere comment from the backbench into something more sinister.

"It's absolutely toxic, what he is doing. It's doing us no good at all," one party member, who would like to see Abbott disendorsed, told AAP this week.

"He's a very intelligent man, but he's stupid."

4 min read
Published 21 September 2017 11:12am
Source: AAP

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