NSW Health has confirmed 26 people from the Ruby Princess cruise ship have tested positive for COVID-19.
Seventeen passengers and one crew member were diagnosed in NSW while eight passengers have been diagnosed interstate, a statement says.
A NSW Health spokesman says all cruise ships from midnight on Sunday will be held in port until any patients highlighted as having respiratory issues are tested for COVID-19.
"NSW Health will go even further beyond the national protocol and its current own state protocols," the statement said on Sunday.
The Ruby Princess had 1,148 crew and 2,647 passengers on board when it travelled to New Zealand .
All cases from the cruise ship are in isolation at home or in hospital and all passengers and crew have been notified and asked to self-isolate for 14 days as investigations continue.
NSW Health on Sunday confirmed 97 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the state's tally to 533.
Coronavirus symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia, according to the Federal Government's website, and can include a fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath.
As of Sunday morning, only people who have recently travelled from overseas or have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case and experienced symptoms within 14 days are advised to be tested.
If you believe you may have contracted the virus, call your doctor, don’t visit, or contact the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.
If you are struggling to breathe or experiencing a medical emergency, call 000.