- Queensland MP Bob Katter had a heated exchange with a Nationals senator.
- It came as Katter and independent MP Andrew Gee called for more action on supermarket pricing.
- A Senate inquiry is currently examining supermarket prices.
Bob Katter told a Nationals senator to "shut up" during a heated exchange on the sidelines of the supermarket prices inquiry.
The Queensland MP appeared alongside independent MP Andrew Gee — — at a press conference outside the inquiry hearing and accused the major parties of inaction on supermarket pricing in a press conference.
The MPs stood alongside staffers dressed in inflatable pig costumes holding a banner saying: "Stop supermarket hogs and National Party porkies!"
Nationals senator Ross Cadell watched on and accused Gee, who sensationally quit the party in 2022, of being a "stunt man".
"You did nothing when you were a Nat because all you're about is the stunts," Cadell said.
Katter then accused Cadell of playing politics.
The exchange became heated when Katter approached Cadell and told him to stop interrupting.
"Now, shut up," Katter said, pointing his finger at Cadell.
Gee said the independents on the crossbench and Katter would introduce a bill to cut back the power of the major supermarkets and limit their profits on fruit and vegetables.

Queensland MP Bob Katter (left) and Independent MP Andrew Gee. Source: AAP / Stephanie Gardiner
Farmer exodus warning
At the hearing in Orange, NSW, farmers laid bare their struggles dealing with the powerful duopoly of Coles and Woolworths.
They warned of a mass exodus from the agriculture industry because of the low prices being paid for their goods by major supermarkets.
Orchard owner Guy Gaeta, who grows apples and cherries, said major supermarkets had set prices too low for produce, making the future unviable for growers.
"At the rate we're going ... there won't be any family farms left within five to 10 years, or you're going to have corporate farms and they're going to be as good as citizens to the consumer as what they are now, and it is scary.
"If you don't have family farms, you're going to lose your food security."

Farmers Ian Pearce, Guy Gaeta and James McClymont appear at a hearing into supermarket pricing. Source: AAP / Stephanie Gardiner
"The cost of land alone is debilitating ... realistically, the only people who have driven the property market in the agricultural sector over the last five to 10 years has been corporates coming in and ... buying in significant amounts," he said.
The Senate inquiry was set up following claims of price gouging of consumers by major supermarkets.
But primary producers have warned the market power of supermarkets means they can buy goods cheaply.
Farmers' Group president of Dairy Connect, Graham Forbes, told the committee mandatory codes of conduct needed to be brought in across the grocery sector.
It was not a silver bullet but it would address some of the concerns, he said.
A mandatory code for the dairy industry, introduced in 2020, had addressed some issues in the sector, Forbes said.
"It just made a big difference to us when we've been negotiating with some of the companies," he said.
A by former Labor minister Craig Emerson is examining .
The Senate inquiry will recommence on Wednesday in Melbourne, with consumer groups set to give evidence.