The Chilcot Iraq Inquiry report by the numbers:
- 7 years since the Chilcot Inquiry was launched, although the report of the inquiry's findings was originally intended to be ready for publication by the end of 2010.
- 2578 days between June 15, 2009, when the inquiry was announced by then-prime minister Gordon Brown and July 6, 2016, when the report will finally be seen by members of the public.
- 150,000 government documents believed to have been scrutinised for the report.
- STG10 million, the cost of the inquiry, according to recent estimates.
- 2 times Tony Blair, the prime minister at the time of the invasion, was called to give live evidence before the inquiry.
- 3 foreign secretaries to have been in the post since the inquiry was launched - David Miliband under Brown, and William Hague and Philip Hammond under David Cameron.
- 179 - UK fatalities during the Iraq war, including 47 who died from roadside bombs and IEDs.
- 12 volumes of the report.
- 2.6 million words estimated to be included in the report.
- STG767 the cost of ordering a copy of the report. Families of those killed in the war will have the costs waived having originally been told they would have to pay for it.