For many, Julie Bishop is the best leader the Liberal Party never had. But now, after almost 21 years in Parliament, the former Liberal deputy leader has her retirement from federal politics.
Politicians from both sides of the aisle have commended the 62-year-old's achievements, commenting on her class, kindness and strength as a leader.
“Whoever replaces Julie Bishop will have big shoes to fill and we all know Julie has the best shoes in Parliament,” Prime Minister Scott Morison wrote following the announcement.

Member for Curtin Julie Bishop is embraced by Minister for Jobs Kelly ODwyer after Ms Bishop's announcement. Source: AAP
Where it all began
Ms Bishop entered politics as the member for Curtin in 1998. She has held the Perth electorate ever since.
Before politics, she studied law at Adelaide University and practised as a solicitor and barrister. Years later, her role defending building product company CSR from compensation claims by asbestos victims would come under fire from Labor.
"It has been an immense honour to be the longest serving Member for Curtin and also to be the deputy leader of the Liberal Party, the first female to hold the role, [and] for 11 years, over half my entire political career," she told Parliament on Thursday.
Five years later, she was appointed to the frontbench by John Howard, taking the position of minister for ageing. Under the Howard Government, she also held the positions of minister for women and minister for education.
Quickly climbing the ranks, she served as deputy leader of the Liberal Party for the last 11 years, taking up the role following the Howard Government’s defeat in 2007.
Eleven months later, when Malcolm Turnbull took over Liberal leadership, she took over the shadow treasury role, a portfolio where she was widely considered a failure. But, her best moments were yet to come.

Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop pose for the camera in 2010. Source: AAP
First ever female foreign minister
Many of Ms Bishop’s most significant achievements occurred during her time as Australia's first female foreign minister - a position she held from 2013 until August last year, when she resigned from cabinet following a failed bid for leadership.
In this portfolio, she reaped the benefits of Labor's lobbying for a United Nations Security Council seat, making the most of it to tackle issues including Iran, Islamic State's rise in Iraq and Syria and shaming Russia over the MH17 tragedy.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten commended Ms Bishop’s actions during the MH17 atrocity on Thursday, describing her “calm, composure and kindness” when communicating with the families of the 38 Australians killed when the flight was shot down over eastern Ukraine.
Ms Bishop has also been widely lauded for her representation of Australia at the United Nations Security Council in 2014, where she negotiated access to the MH17 crash site. She also played a key role in healing damage to Australia's relationship with Indonesia caused by Labor's live cattle controversy, boat turnbacks and the Indonesian president phone tapping scandal.

Then foreign minister Julie Bishop speaks during Question Time in 2017. Source: AAP
A leader and a friend
Tributes to the former foreign minister didn't end with her career achievements. Minister for women Kelly O’Dwyer described her as “an incredible trailblazer and a beautiful friend."
Mr Morrison told Parliament Ms Bishop is “an incredibly classy individual”, touching on the "dignity and grace that she has always demonstrated in every single role she has held.”
In a tweet, Mr Turnbull thanked his former deputy for her "friendship over so many years".
Labor frontbencher Penny Wong also acknowledged Ms Bishop’s service to the nation.

Julie Bishop's shoes are seen as she speaks after the 2018 Liberal leadership spill. Source: AAP
Ms Bishop is widely known for her steely stare and for taking daily runs even whilst travelling overseas. She is also renowned as a great campaigner and fundraiser within the Liberal party.
A striking sense of style, her ruby red shoes became one of the defining images of the 2018 leadership spill. When asked after her failed bid whether she believed the Liberal Party would ever elect a popular female leader, her response was simple:
"When we find one, I'm sure we will."
With AAP