Trump Jr mocks Kavanaugh accuser with 'schoolyard crush' meme

Donald Trump Jr has mocked the 30-year-old sexual assault claim against his father's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, comparing it to a schoolyard crush.

The image posted to Instagram by Donald Trump Jr along with the president's son himself

The image posted to Instagram by Donald Trump Jr along with the president's son himself Source: AAP, Instagram

US President Donald Trump's eldest son has appeared to mock the sexual assault allegations against his father's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Christine Blasey Ford, a college professor, has come forth with an. Kavanaugh has denied the charges, releasing a statement on Monday that he was willing to speak to a Senate panel to "refute" the allegation.

Donald Trump Jr posted an image on Instagram with the caption "Judge Kavanaugh sexual assault letter found by Dems..."
The photo attached shows a crumpled-up piece of notebook paper with a scribbled message: "Hi Cindy will you be my girlfriend, Love Bret." The note has boxes to check for "yes" or "no" and seems to compare Kavanaugh's accuser to a school yard crush.

Trump Jr also "liked" a tweet from conservative actor James Woods which compared the accusation to a (hash)MeToo "lynching". Woods later deleted the tweet.

Trump Jr has long been the Trump child most in touch with the president's most ardent voters. He seems to relish the button-pushing, asserting or trolling tweet.

His social media feed has traded in conspiracy theories and hard-line messages about immigration or gun control. He once circulated a post that compared Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles (lolly) that contained some that "would kill you".

Kavanaugh, meanwhile, was seen arriving at the White House late on Monday morning. There was no immediate explanation of the reason for his visit. He had been on a smooth confirmation track, but the new allegations have roiled that process.

2 min read
Published 18 September 2018 6:28am
Updated 18 September 2018 8:10am

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