Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's private Sydney home is not connected to the national broadband network, despite it being available in his street.
A Senate committee has heard Mr Turnbull's Point Piper home has an ADSL connection and telephone line.
But despite the NBN being available in the street, it is not yet connected.
The Lodge in Canberra has an ADSL line, but the NBN is not available.
However, Kirribilli House in Sydney has NBN available but is not yet connected.
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet said NBN would be hooked up to Point Piper "as soon as possible" and Kirribilli "in the near future".
Mr Turnbull has encouraged Australians to take up the NBN, despite describing it as a Labor "train wreck" which the coalition government had to get back on track to save taxpayers' money.