Sexual harassment allegations in Australian workplaces would be dealt with by the industrial umpire under unions' proposal to combat high rates of misconduct.
Interim results of an Australian Council of Trade Unions' survey found more than 60 per cent of women have experienced sexual harassment at work.
While 64 per cent of people witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace, two-thirds did not make a formal complaint and 40 per cent didn't tell anyone.
More than half feared negative consequences if they spoke up.
"To have 61 per cent of women having experienced sexual harassment and then less than half of them feeling like they can actually report it shows you we've got a major problem," ACTU president Michele O'Neil told AAP on Wednesday.
Of those who experienced sexual harassment at work, almost 70 per cent faced crude or offensive behaviour and a little less than half received unwanted sexual attention.
Some 34 per cent experienced inappropriate physical contact of a sexual nature, while eight per cent reported sexual coercion.
The online questionnaire began in September and will run until November, with about 7500 people participating so far.
Interim results revealed that of the 6793 who answered questions about their experience, 61 per cent of women and 35 per cent of men were subjected to sexual harassment at work.
Ms O'Neil was sexually harassed by her supervisor as a 14-year-old, an experience that ignited her belief in unions.
She also remembered a textiles worker from her time as an organiser in that industry's union who encountered severe harassment by male colleagues.
"She couldn't walk through the department without people whistling and calling out really offensive and frightening comments about what they wanted to do to her," Ms O'Neil told AAP.
"It sticks in my mind because she had tried so many things to resolve it herself but felt so isolated and was so affected by it."
The ACTU wants sexual harassment complaints to be dealt with by the Fair Work Commission to provide a quicker and less cumbersome process than court action.
"We need to change the rules and change the system so that women can make a complaint, know that it will be dealt with swiftly and fairly," Ms O'Neil said.
She said the ACTU had been overwhelmed by the initial response to the survey, highlighting the issue was affecting workers from all professions.