Universities that don't adequately deal with sexual harassment and assaults on campus could face the wrath of the higher education regulator, senators have heard.
The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency intends to provide universities with advice on best practice and what to avoid and is gearing up to investigate complaints from students who don't believe their higher education institution has properly dealt with their situation.
A landmark report last year found one in five students at Australia's universities were sexually harassed either on campus, travelling to or from uni, or at uni-related events or workplaces, and 1.6 per cent were sexually assaulted.
TEQSA chief commissioner Nicholas Saunders told a Senate committee hearing on Thursday the regulator already requires all providers to have proper processes to investigate and deal with sexual harassment and assault complaints
"The first expectation is the providers will actually be doing the appropriate thing," he told senators.
"Sexual violence is a criminal offence and therefore it is our expectation it would be dealt in that way."
But if the regulator receives a complaint directly about an incident on a university campus it would investigate, he said.
Education Minister Simon Birmingham said complaints would likely only come to the regulator where someone felt their university had not fulfilled its responsibilities for student wellbeing and safety.
"I am confident that the universities are determined to do the right thing, to lift their processes and practices to make sure they adhere to the new guidance and go further than that," he told the committee.
They risked great reputational damage if there was any sense they weren't overwhelmingly safe learning environments.
"What we all hope to see is, firstly, that there are fewer complaints because there are fewer instances, that culture changes on campus and in associated areas, but secondly that where instances of harassment or violence occur, that they are all reported and they are all investigated and appropriate action is taken," Senator Birmingham said.
"But if any of those things fail or fall down, that's where we expect the regulator to step in."