US to keep up pressure on North Korea

The US will keep up "maximum pressure" on North Korea and President Donald Trump says he may bail on the summit if he feels it won't produce results.

US President Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump may yet call off a North Korean summit if he feels it won't be fruitful. (AAP)

North Korea has expressed its commitment to "complete denuclearisation" of the Korean peninsula and has not attached conditions, South Korea's president says, but Washington remains wary and has vowed to maintain "maximum pressure" on Pyongyang.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said agreements about denuclearisation, establishing a peace regime and normalisation of relations between the Koreas and the US should not be difficult to reach through a North-South summit next week, and a later summit planned between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump.

"I don't think denuclearisation has different meanings for South and North Korea. The North is expressing a will for a complete denuclearisation," Moon said on Thursday during a lunch with chief executives of Korean media companies.

"They have not attached any conditions that the US cannot accept, such as the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea. All they are talking about is the end of hostile policies against North Korea, followed by a guarantee of security."

CIA Director Mike Pompeo met Kim this month to discuss a proposed summit with Trump and reported that the North Korean leader was not demanding the withdrawal of all US forces as a precondition for the meeting, a US official briefed on Pompeo's trip told Reuters.

However, the official, who did not want to be identified, said that while Kim was open to negotiating "denuclearisation", the term remained undefined and potentially deceptive, given the need for a timetable and an inspection regime.

North Korea has defended its nuclear and missile programs in the face of worldwide condemnation and sanctions as a necessary deterrent against perceived US hostility.

It has said over the years that it could consider giving up its nuclear arsenal if the US removed its troops from South Korea and withdrew its so-called nuclear umbrella of deterrence from South Korea and Japan.

On Wednesday, Trump, who says he plans to meet Kim in late May or early June for an unprecedented summit to try to persuade him to give up his nuclear weapons, reaffirmed the "unwavering" US commitment to maintain that umbrella.

In a joint statement after talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump said the US commitment to defend Japan "through the full range of US military capabilities" was "unwavering".

They reiterated their commitment to the "permanent and verifiable denuclearisation of North Korea" and the need for Pyongyang to abandon all of its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, while vowing stepped up sanctions enforcement.

Trump said on Wednesday that Pompeo formed a "good relationship" with Kim when he met him in Pyongyang and the US President said he hoped the summit would be successful. But Trump warned he would call it off if he did not think it would produce results.

Trump told a joint news conference with Abe that his campaign of "maximum pressure" on North Korea would continue until Pyongyang gave up its nuclear weapons.

In Geneva on Thursday, US Disarmament Ambassador Robert Wood told a news conference North Korea must show that it is "serious about getting rid of its nuclear weapons program" and take "concrete steps", adding: "We've got a long way to go".

3 min read
Published 20 April 2018 6:58am
Source: AAP

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