After listening to Warren Mundine AO speak on violence against women over the last few days, we thought we'd put the conversation into the hands of those most affected by this social issue - women.
While men are a part of the problem and consequently a part of the solution of domestic abuse, a call for action from largely male parliamentarians from a male Indigenous leader puts conversations and decisions into the male space, only. How should we be treating women in the home? Well, why not hear from some strong women in the community.
1. Djapirri Mununggirritj

Djapirri Mununggirritj recieves an award for her contributions to women's well being Source: NITV
2. Hon Linda Burney MP

Linda Burney Source: Twitter
“The challenge of domestic violence in our communities is a national crisis – strong rhetoric must be matched with strong action and leadership.”
3. Dr Kyllie Cripps

Dr Kyllie Cripps discussing thepotential consequences of Indigenous children’s exposure to family violence in Queensland in 2015 Source: YouTube
4. Antoinette Baybrook

Antoinette Baybrook Source: Facebook
5. Celeste Liddle

Celeste Liddle (Facebook) Source: Facebook
“It was always stated that one woman a week dies as a result of violence against women,” in an interview last year, "but we’re actually averaging two women per week in Australia, and 18 per cent of them have been Aboriginal which is extraordinary.”
Liddle was a key speaker at the Putting Gender on the Agenda conference; a collaboration between Tangentyere Council, and the .
6. Dixie-Link Gordon

Dixie Link-Gordon (Facebook) Source: Facebook
She has worked across many women's services for over 20 years, including being a founding worker at the Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women’s Centre in Sydney's Inner west, a project worker for Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia on ‘Hey Sis, we’ve got your back!’; a program designed to protect Aboriginal girls against sexual abuse and rape in NSW communities and in 2004, Dixie helped facilitate the first ‘Blackout Violence’ (BOV) campaign at the Redfern football carnival, talking to over 1000 men about saying ‘no’ to violence and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
In 2012, Ms Gordon shared the Mudgin-gal Aboriginal in Urban Society Story at the United Nations ‘Status of Women Forum‘ - a highlight of her career.
7. Professor Gracelyn Smallwood AO

Birri Elder Gracelyn Smallwood has been named NAIDOC's Person of the Year 2014 Source: AAP
Prof. Smallwood was one of the founders, and the first registered nurse to work at the Townsville Aboriginal and Islanders' Health Service, working for a year in a voluntary capacity. To which she received an Aboriginal Overseas Study Award in which she studied cross-cultural comparative health of Maori and First Nations in New Mexico and Arizona, and then Polynesian disadvantage in Hawaii.
She has spent many years and practised remote nursing in Western Australian, South Australian, northern Territory and Queensland communities, and she was the coordinator of the 'Condoman' HIV-AIDS prevention campaign aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait people, now a mainstream campaign in the fight against the spread of HIV-AIDS.
Prof. Smallwood currently at the largely Indigenous Cleveland Youth Detention Centre as nurse and mentor, and at Townsville Hospital as a nurse and midwife. She is also an Associate Professor and Indigenous Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor at James Cook University.
8. Louise Taylor BA

(Image: Vimeo) Source: Vimeo
Based in Canberra, Ms Taylor is a long time Convenor of the ACT Women’s Legal Centre Management Committee, a past member of the ACT Domestic Violence Prevention Council and former Chair of the ACT Ministerial Advisory Council on Women.
Ms Taylor was the ACT Woman of the Year 2009, recipient of the ACT International Women’s Day Award.
9. Marcia Ella-Duncan OAM

Yuin woman Marcia Ella, Chairperson of the La Perouse Land Council Source: NITV
Outside the sporting arena, she is still invested in community and Ms Ella-Duncan has 25 years of experience in Aboriginal affairs in areas such as criminal justice, family and child safety and well being, community development. She has a particular interest in family and child safety and has worked in related service delivery and policy and legislation development positions for the Sydney region. She was the former elected ATSIC regional chairperson and is currently the chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Task Force. Ms Ella-Duncan was also a panelist on the 2016 Garma Festival's 'No More' Panel on domestic violence.
10. Lani Brennan

Lani Brennan, author of her memoir, Lani's Story Source: Facebook
"As an Aboriginal woman I had to stand up and say no to sexual violence," she told the court. "Joseph Timbery [her abuser] made me stay silent for a long time, but I won't be silent any more. I believe justice needs to be seen and done in Aboriginal communities."
Ms Brennan is a public speaker and shares her story with advocacy groups to inspire change in behaviours.
These ten remarkable women are just some of the are dozens - hundreds - of Aboriginal women working to prevent violence against Aboriginal women. Aboriginal people are not staying silent, they do want to talk about it, so let them have their say.
If you need assistance or information on domestic violence, contact RESPECT on 1800 737 732