It's the unlikely pairing that has audiences across the country intrigued. One a gifted poet and philosopher - the other a famous musician.
Renowned performer Rodriguez has kicked off his Australian tour inviting Wiradjuri elder Uncle Frank Doolan on-stage as a VIP guest at his Sydney show.

The Sugar Man singer is supported on tour by homegrown legend Uncle Archie Roach.
The Singer/songwriter has been part of the Australian music scene for more than a quarter of a century.
His claim to fame was with his “Charcoal Lane” album, particularly with his song “Took the Children Away,” which shone such a powerful light on the injustices of the stolen generation - including those in his own life.
It also earned him a Human Rights Achievement Award.
Archie Roach is a man of few words but when he speaks, or sings, those words lift you up, transport you and humble you.
As he serenades Sydney-siders alongside The Sugarman, there's no surprise he has a special treat for his fans.
“We are closing ourselves off and not letting people in. And not just in the sense of not letting them into the country, but not letting them into our hearts, into our minds."
With bigger and better hits to come, Archie has just released his tenth album titled
It’s been four years since the release of ‘Into The Bloodstream,’ the album that marked his return to recording in the wake of unimaginable setbacks including a stroke, lung cancer and the sudden and tragic loss of Ruby Hunter, his partner both in life and music.
“I wanted to write about love, or a willingness to love all people,” Archie said.
“We are closing ourselves off and not letting people in. And not just in the sense of not letting them into the country, but not letting them into our hearts, into our minds. Many of the songs on the album are really a call for understanding."
And if you though it couldn't get any better, it did.
Riverbank Frank, a committed champion of reconciliation, who had the crowd cheering, as he opened the show with his message of unity.
"It's not black, it's not white. We're all in it together, it's Australia," he said.
“There's culture in this country, an easier better way. We can make it happen providing there's respect let's build that bridge together, it's not completed yet. Love ya, thank you"

Archie Roach announces new 2016 summer concert