Conservative member of the Liberal party and outgoing defence minister Peter Dutton is likely to take over the role of leader of the federal opposition.
Mr Dutton has put his hand up unopposed after the Liberal party suffered a visceral wipeout in its wealthy inner city seats in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth — once Liberal heartland.
The former home affairs and immigration minister has in the past refused to back calls for a First Nations voice to parliament outlined in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, deeming it a 'third chamber' of parliament.
"We have been clear that we want to work with the people to provide… recognition. We are not in favour of a third chamber or voice," he said in 2019.
The Albanese Labor government has strongly campaigned on enshrining an Indigenous Voice to parliament in the constitution as well as truth-telling and treaty agreement under the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Incoming Indigenous affairs minister Linda Burney told NITV News that she will work with the Coalition and the expanded crossbench made up of Greens and independents.
She said politicians must come together — regardless of their political persuasion if progress is to be made.
"I would like to see bipartisanship on First Nations issues and in particular bipartisanship on the Uluru Statement and a referendum to recognise Aboriginal people in the constitution," Ms Burney said.
Uluru Statement from the Heart 'can't fail'
Dean Parkin, Director of From The Heart said he hopes Mr Dutton will work on progressing the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart despite previously voicing his opposition.
"As the leader of the opposition, we don't know what that position is," the Quandamooka man said.
He said it was heartening that the Liberal party and the Nationals have supported a referendum on recognising First Nations people and a legislated voice to parliament.
"We do know that the current power coalition policy position on this is unchanged," Mr Parkin told NITV News.
"We know that Minister Wyatt undertook a long process of co-design to flesh out what a voice might look like. So we've got to look at what's been done and then engage with the opposition and the crossbench."
Mr Parkin said that he understand the concerns of outgoing Indigenous Australians minister Ken Wyatt who feared an unsuccessful referendum would cause serious damage and harm but said momentum and support are growing.

From the Heart's director Dean Parkin said he fears progress on the Uluru Statement would suffer. (Supplied: From the Heart)
"We can't just not try for fear of failure— because the status quo for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people shouldn't be acceptable to anybody," he said.
Mr Dutton also refused to support Kevin Rudd's formal apology to Stolen Generations in 2008 — though he has expressed regret since then.
Healing Foundation's Fiona Cornforth said she hopes healing and reconciliation will be high on the agenda for both the new government and the Opposition.

Healing Foundation's CEO Fiona Cornforth said she hopes all governments work together to bring healing and reconciliation (Sarah Collard: NITV News)
"We're in a journey of trauma and trauma recovery and in hope for healing," the Wuthathi woman told NITV News.
"We want to work with all governments on how we reform and transform systems so that we can end the cycles of harm and abuse," Ms Cornforth said.
Mr Dutton's office has been contacted for comment by NITV news.