Christine Anu is an actress who appeared in "The Matrix Reloaded," and "Moulin Rouge."
Exploring the journey of Australia's Indigenous people who are guided by their resilience, their connection to the land and each other.
A series centred on showcasing the talents of Australian musicians and the stories and messages behind their songs.
Recognising and celebrating Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous Australian talent, with awards presented to artists, scholars, sportspeople, Elders and more.
A special outdoor concert at Uluru that features performances from Australia's best Indigenous groups.
تسافر ثمان شخصيات أسترالية بارزة في هذا الموسم الجديد من برنامج "من تظن نفسك؟" إلى بقاع شتّى من العالم لإماطة اللثام عن خفايا أسلافهم وقصصهم التي طوتها غياهب النسيان، الأمر الذي من شأنه أن يغيّر إلى غور بعيد تصورّهم عن ذواتهم.
A celebration of the achievements of Indigenous artists from the National Indigenous Music Awards 2020.