Marton Csokas attended New Zealand Drama School and subsequently landed film and TV work, first in the Peter Jackson-produced "Jack Brown Genius" and more notably on "Shortland Street," a nightly soap opera set in an Auckland hospital. After extensive stage experience, Csokas found further TV work in the fantasy series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys," and later played warlord Borias on "Xena: Warrior Princess." Further work came in New Zealand and Australian television throughout the '90s in the cop show "Water Rats" and the medical drama "All Saints." His major role of the era came when Jackson asked him to portray Celeborn, the elven husband of Cate Blanchett's Galadriel, in both "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and its sequel "The Return of the King." Parts in several big-budget Hollywood films followed, including the 2004 espionage thriller "The Bourne Supremacy" and Ridley Scott's 2005 crusades epic "Kingdom of Heaven." Continuing to land roles in major productions, Csokas appeared in "The Debt," a 2010 spy drama, and he portrayed villainous characters in the supernatural movies "Dream House" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."