A husky-voiced actress who segued from beautiful leading lady to earthy character parts, Brenda Vaccaro enjoyed success in a variety of mediums. She earned three Tony nominations for her stage work in the 1960s, won a Golden Globe nomination for her role as a socialite paying Jon Voight for sex in "Midnight Cowboy" (1969), and an Oscar nomination for "Jacqueline Susann's Once Is Not Enough" (1975). Although she was an accomplished dramatic actress, audiences embraced her most as a wisecracking second banana to everyone from Faye Dunaway in "Supergirl" (1984) to Barbra Streisand in "The Mirror Has Two Faces" (1996), as well as an in-demand voiceover actress. The Emmy-winning Vaccaro earned an impressive array of TV credits as well, and earned excellent reviews for the lead role in the gentle romantic comedy "Boynton Beach Club" (2005) and for a brilliant supporting turn as Al Pacino's sister in the Dr. Kevorkian biopic, "You Don't Know Jack" (HBO, 2010). Even 50 years into her career, Vaccaro remained a vital, formidable actress with the training and talent to deliver award-caliber performances.