Veni Vidi Vici

시즌1SwedishViaplay Group

When a film director's career takes a turn for the worse after his films receive bad reviews, his financial dependence on his wife forces him to seek a real job.

Episode 1
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Episode 1
When Karsten premieres his new film Veni Vidi Vici, it flops terribly. After struggling to find any work, he receives a call from a friend who offers him a directing role.
Swedish, Danish, English
English (CC)
Strong Adult Themes, Strong Nudity, Strong Sex References, Strong Sex Scenes, Strong Violence
Episode 1

1. Episode 1

When Karsten premieres his new film Veni Vidi Vici, it flops terribly. After struggling to find any work, he receives a call from a friend who offers him a directing role.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 2

2. Episode 2

Karsten finds work at an abattoir owned by his wife's father. When Vincent pays a visit to two brothers, he is shocked to learn he owes them an extraordinary sum.
Advice: N, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 3

3. Episode 3

Karsten meets with Vincent about a job and negotiates a salary. Meanwhile, Karsten's father-in-law plots against him and enlists an employee to find out what he's up to.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 4

4. Episode 4

Once the pitching and casting process is complete, Karsten and the team film in a pool at a house Jonna is selling. Meanwhile, Vincent is still having issues with the local mobsters.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 5

5. Episode 5

An employee of Karten's father-in-law begins following Karsten in an attempt to discover what he is up to.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 6

6. Episode 6

Karsten and Jonna have an intimate moment. Meanwhile, Vincent still owes the brothers money, and must complete an unusual heist.
Advice: S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 7

7. Episode 7

When Vincent messes up his mission, the brother's double his debt. Ville finds himself in danger when he follows two drivers to a drug lab.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 8

8. Episode 8

When Vincent watches a cut of Karsten's film he claims that it is a masterpiece, but Karsten starts to believe Vincent may have had a role in his life falling apart.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 9

9. Episode 9

After Karsten watches the premiere of his film, he is shocked when he discovers someone else has taken credit for it. Police raid his studio during the afterparty.
Advice: A, S
2 개월 후 만료
Episode 10

10. Episode 10

Karsten and Vincent find themselves being followed by the brothers and are left with a difficult choice to make if they want to stay alive.
Advice: S, V
2 개월 후 만료