Indian-American actor Richa Moorjani was born and raised in California. Before going to college for dramatic arts, Moorjani was a classically trained dancer. As a student of the Tarangini School of Kathak Dance, she developed a passion for representing her cultural roots through Kathak, Bollywood, and classical Indian dance. Her earliest acting credits include an episode of "Big Time Rush" (Nickelodeon, 2009-13) and "The Mindy Project" (Fox, 2012-15). She continued earning smaller roles until she was placed in the main cast of "Never Have I Ever" (Netflix, 2020-23), playing the role of Kamala for all four seasons. Following that success, Richa Moorjani took on another main role as Deputy Indira Olmstead in the fifth season of "Fargo" (FX, 2014- ).