Saurabh Shukla was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Shukla's career in acting began with his roles in various films like "Bandit Queen" (1995) with Seema Biswas, "Taal" (1999) with Anil Kapoor and "Hey! Ram" (2000) with Shah Rukh Khan. He also appeared in the drama "Mohabbatein" (2000) with Amitabh Bachchan, "Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai" (2002) and the foreign "Yuva" (2004) with Ajay Devgan. His film career continued throughout the early 2000s in productions like the romance "Salaam-e-Ishq" (2007) with Vidya Balan, the Tushar Jalota foreign "Showbiz" (2007) and the drama "My Name is Anthony Gonsalves" (2008) with Nikhil Dwivedi. He also appeared in the Naseeruddin Shah thriller "Mithya" (2008). In his more recent career, he tackled roles in "Luck By Chance" (2009), the comedy "Chintu Ji" (2009) with Rishi Kapoor and "Season Greetings" (2010). He also appeared in the Irrfan Khan foreign "Yeh Saali Zindagi" (2011). Most recently, Shukla acted in the Aamir Khan comedy "P.K." (2014).