Nana Patekar was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Patekar began his acting career with roles in such films as "Aaj Ki Awaaz" (1984) with Raj Babbar, the adventure "Aaj Ka Robin Hood" (1988) with Utpal Dutt and the Shafiq Syed drama "Salaam Bombay!" (1988). He also appeared in "Trishagni" (1989), "Disha" (1990) and "Tarkieb" (2000). His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like "Taxi 9211" (2006), "Hattrick" (2007) and "Yatra" (2007). He also appeared in "The Journey" (2007) with Deepti Naval. Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "Horn Ok Pleassss" (2009), "Ek: The Power of One" (2009) and "Tum Milo Toh Sahi" (2010). He also appeared in "Paathshala" (2010) and the Katrina Kaif thriller "Rajniti" (2010). Most recently, Patekar acted in "Welcome Back" (2015).