10. Norway - JOWST 'Grab The Moment'
Joel's verdict: There's a folksy Norwegian Rob Thomas-type on stage accompanied by a DJ, a guitar player, and drummer all wearing shiny strobing masks. Because at Eurovision that is normal. And respected. Of the song is good, too. But on those masks alone Norway should make the top 10.
9. Portugal - Salvador Sobral 'Amar Pelos Dois'
Joel's verdict: It's not my usual pick for a Eurovision favourite, but it just so beautiful and soulful. The song is very old Hollywood. It takes you back to another time. I don't think the song would have sounded as good in English, so I'm glad it's in Portuguese. Just so beautiful.
8. Sweden - Robin Bengtsson 'I Can't Go On'
Joel's verdict: Robin is really really suave and boy can he rock that suit. Plus Sweden never puts a foot wrong when it comes to Eurovision. And here's hoping he and his backup dancers don't on the night. That treadmill routine looks pretty tough to nail.
7. Israel - Imri Ziv 'I Feel Alive'
Joel's verdict: Yeah, this one's rather good isn't it? It's a catchy, poppy dance track that I totally see myself dancing to at a club at 3am in the morning. Plus Imri's pretty darn easy on the eyes. Hmm...
6. Denmark - Anja Nissen 'Where I Am'
Joel's verdict: She's just so fabulous and has such a big voice. I've been such a fan of her's for years and really think she's got a strong as hell shot at the top 10. Plus she might be representing Denmark, but she's still all-Aussie to us!
5. Moldova - Sunstroke Project 'Hey Mamma'
Joel's verdict: It totally sounds like I song I’ve heard before it. Maybe they’ve sampled bits from other songs. It’s mostly that sax hook that’s reeling me in. Not to mention the cheesy 'Dad-choreography' is gold. But the weird part is it’s really way down on the odds listing which surprises me, because it seems like such a strong contender.
4. Netherlands - OG3NE 'Lights and Shadows'
Joel's verdict: So this one’s a bit daggy but I really like it. I just can’t go past a pop group! OG3NE gives me a really strong Sugarbabes / Atomic Kitten vibe that I’m loving.
I don’t know how it’ll go, but I’m just going for it because I grew up loving all-girl pop groups. Plus there’s a really cool bit at the end of the song that I see them staging really well.
3. Italy - Francesco Gabbani 'Occidentali's Karma'
Joel's verdict: I was trying to resist it because I know everyone’s going nuts for Italy. But I got to admit I’m obsessed with the song, too. And him - Francesco! *swoon* My god it is a good song. And it’s so weird! I love the dance routine. I love the gorilla. I am just so obsessed with it.
2. Romania - Ilinca feat. Alex Florea 'Yodel It!'
Joel's verdict: I think it's a bit of a surprise package. Because when someone tells you about "rap-yodelling" your first thought is, "Ugh, how lame!". But then you hear it and you're like, "Oh, it actually works!".
Plus the rap bit is like a non-rap rap, like Drake or Taylor Swift who really just sing their raps. But as much as I'm into Romania's song, I don't know if they'll be as good live as they are recorded. The song has the potential to go nuts if they nail it on the night.
1. Australia - Isaiah 'Don't Come Easy'
Joel's verdict: Isaiah's such a star. It's insane. He's only 17 but he has what I reckon is the most powerful voice in the whole competition. Europe would be crazy not to vote for him. Crazy. Plus I just can't wait to see what the staging is going to look like for the song!
The Eurovision Song Contest will be broadcast over SBS’s Eurovision weekend - Friday 12 May, Saturday 13 May, and Grand Final Sunday 14 May at 7.30pm on SBS with LIVE early morning broadcasts begin Wednesday 10 May at 5am on SBS.