The Australian artist for Eurovision 2016: who will it be?

It’s just one day until Australia’s big Eurovision artist announcement but will the fans pick who it is?

2016 Eurovision artist mystery

The 2016 Eurovision artist remains a mystery... for now! Source: Eurovision

So you’re a massive Eurovision fan with passionate feelings about who Australia should send to represent us in Stockholm this year, but can you pick who it will be?

There are plenty of fans out there with strong inklings. One such fan has even started a poll to send  – the iconic Aussie has certainly followed in Guy Sebastian’s footsteps before – coming runner-up to him on Australian Idol back in 2003.

There's also the fabulous Jessica Mauboy who represented us beautifully when we were invited to participate in 2014 – but has not yet actually competed.

SBS Eurovision fans have already taken to Twitter to express their strong feelings for a variety of different artists…

But who’s YOUR pick? Cast your vote below to see the current polling results…
Australian artist Eurovision 2016 poll
Australian artist Eurovision 2016 poll Source: SBS

1 min read
Published 2 March 2016 10:30am
Updated 3 March 2016 10:03pm
By Genevieve Dwyer

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