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Labor Senator Fatima Payman sits with Independent Senator David Pocock after crossing the floor on a motion moved by the Australian Greens to recognize the State of Palestine during debate in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING Source: AAP / LUKAS COCH/AAPIMAGE
联邦工党于今天上午(2024年7月2日)举行第一次没有法蒂玛·佩曼(Fatima Payman)的完整核心小组会议。这位西澳大利亚州参议员周日被停职。佩曼是近二十年来首位违反党派立场的工党参议员,她在投票中支持了绿党关于承认巴勒斯坦国的动议。点击音频收听详细报道