
Around the Bay in a Day is a non-competitive fully supported recreational cycling fundraising event

Around the Bay in a Day is a non-competitive fully supported recreational cycling fundraising event in VIC. Source: bicyclenetwork.com.au/


上周日(10月6日),在10月13-19日的全澳消除贫困周到来前一周,墨尔本一年一度的Around the Bay in a Day活动再次上演。一群热血热心肠的人为澳洲的贫困儿童骑自行车绕着菲利普港湾兜大圈筹款,献爱心送温暖。这个活动自1993年开始以来,已经为慈善组织The Smith Family募到1200万澳元。特约记者焦璐说,她的一位华人同事今年也参加了这个活动,从汗水和爱心换来一枚沉甸甸的奖牌,格外值得分享。
Medal won at the Around the Bay event
Medal that Alice won at the Around the Bay event Source: Provided by Jiao Lu
这个星期天(10月13日),墨尔本还将举行资助另一个慈善组织Brotherhood of St Laurence的马拉松长跑募捐活动。你有什么计划,要不要一起行动,把贫困远远甩开?
