Inhaling - to breathe in
Exhaling - to breathe out
Panting - to breathe in and out in a loud and heavy way
Sniffing - draw up air audibly through the nose to detect a smell
Snorting - forcing air quickly and noisily down or up your nose
Snoring - to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping
Yawning - involuntarily opening your mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom
A breath of fresh air - something that is refreshing or new
Wasting your breath - the person you are talking to is not taking any notice and so there is no point saying anything to them
Short of breath - difficulty to breathe properly
To catch your breath - to stop or slow down, so that you can start breathing normally again
To sniff out - to find out what's going on
Takes your breath away - extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising Hold your breath - wait and expect something exciting
Speak under your breath - to speak quietly

【SBS學英語】Minipod: 與「呼吸」有關的動詞
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